Importance of Yoga in Bodybuilding

Importance of Yoga in Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding and yoga might not seem like partners, but they can be. In general, bodybuilding involves the lifting and/or movement of weights which are often heavy and require a considerable amount of force. While yoga is built on the shoulders of relaxation, tranquillity, and general peace as one goes through a set of pre-determined movements … Read more

Pranayama – The Power and Beauty of Breathing

What is Pranayama? Prana is the Sanskrit word for life force. Pranayama means Control of the Breath. Prana is the breath or vital energy in the body. Pranayama is not just regular breathing – nor is it just deep breathing. It is a technique of consciously distributing vital energy throughout the body. With the techniques … Read more

Benefits of Jala Neti in Curing Diseases and How to Do It?

Jala Neti is one of the purification techniques of Shatkarma Yoga for cleansing the nasal passage by water (saline water). Benefits of Jala Neti:- Jala Neti helps you to get cure from diseases like headaches, mental stress, etc. by removing the excess heat out of your brain. It helps you to get better concentration and … Read more

7 Ways To Prevent Wrist Pain During Yoga

There are endless benefits of yoga including calming the mind, increasing flexibility and strength, and improving energy levels, just to name a few. But one of the most common complaints during yoga is wrist pain. This pain is due to the weight that is put on them during certain poses. Some poses that put a … Read more

Recovering from bone break with Yoga

People who practice yoga have obviously heard of its numerous benefits. Some take up on yoga to strengthen their muscles, others practice it in order to become more flexible. It could also help you lose weight, bring peace to a chaotic mind through meditation and relaxation or simply help you improve your health overall. Those … Read more

5 Easy Couple Yoga Poses For Your Healthy Sexual Life

Yoga can do wonders for every aspect of your life. It can bring you spiritual, mental and physical calm, and it can also improve the way you think and act. Yoga has been around for centuries, for good reason. It builds your self-confidence, and it helps remove anger, anxiety, antagonism, stress and frustration. Yoga can … Read more

10 Must-Learn Tips to Survive Hot Yoga

Are you a fitness enthusiast? If so, you might want to consider looking into Bikram yoga, or hot yoga, as many people refer to it. Hot yoga is not your regular kind of fitness routine and is not for everyone; in a while you will understand why. Bikram yoga has a series of 26 muscle-stretching … Read more

11 Health Benefits of being a Yogi!

Exercising is the key to a healthy lifestyle and a much happier you. Today the kind of easy-going lifestyle we are leading; it definitely calls for exercising. Cassey Ho, a social-media fitness expert, says it is good for you to raise your heartbeat at least once a day via exercise. It is scientifically proven, that … Read more